Hackforums.net Investigation

We are working to get Hackforums.net shut down. We feel strongly that it a website which has an undue influence on young people as well as promoting illegal computer activities such as hacking, virus spreading, manipulation of online financial services etc.

I'm not certain of what your criteria if for judging a site to be 'positive for malware'. I know that is not an easy threat to withstand and I don't blame this site for exercising caution and withdrawing the 'positive' for malware decision.

Hackforums.net - "Infecting one another with malware."

We are reporting this site for illegal activitie and it should be closed as soon as posible!

Legal internet law will clean all illegal activities and we will help realise it!

[IT Security Team] hosted in Ukraine Zharkov Mukola Mukolayovuch)

Remote Host Port Number 80 80 1865 PASS ngrBot

NICK n{US|XPa}ruzgvfp
USER ruzgvfp 0 0 :ruzgvfp
JOIN #main 4m3r1k4
QUIT :rebooting

Now talking in #main
Topic On: [ #main ] [ .m off .up e449762d93dad5da997f29c92ca6c6a5 -r .mdns ]
Topic By: [ RamzGallagher ]

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